Counselling Creatively Ltd
Counselling Creatively Ltd

How do I pay?
Our preferred method of payment is through online banking. This can be done before the session or immediately afterwards. Cash payment is also accepted. Our bank account number for deposits is 123139 - 0053725 - 00. Our fees can be found on the fees page.
Do you work with Work and Income?
Yes we do and we're happy to assist you with the completing of WINZ subsidy forms.
What other forms of funding are available for counselling?
Some funding may be available if you are between 12 and 24 years old or you have experienced sexual abuse or other forms of serious trauma.
What happens if I miss an appointment?
If you are unable to attend a booked appointment please let us know as soon as possible. For late cancellations, less than 24hrs notice, or missed sessions the agreed fee normally needs to be paid before another appointment is made. If the cancellation is due to a genuine emergency a reduced or no fee will be charged. If we miss an appointment without giving you 24 hours notice your next appointment will be free.
How long is each session?
Each session is for 50 to 60 minutes. A Couples counselling session is usually 1.5 hrs. Normally counselling is structured on a weekly basis, and supervision and spiritual direction monthly. Debriefing is normally done over 5 consecutive days. We can discuss the the frequency of your appointment when we meet.
What happens in the first session?
The first session is when we meet face to face. This is a mutually beneficial opportunity for you and us to get an idea of our mutual suitability. Research indicated that approximately 70% of the success of counselling is based in the relationship between the client and counsellor. If this relational "click" doesn't occur we will refer you to someone who may be more suitable.
What is confidentiality in counselling?
What you say to us is held in the strictest of confidence following the ethical guidance of NZCCA and NZAC, copies of which are available on their respective websites. Confidentiality is one-way, this means you are free to talk to anyone you like about your sessions, if you wish. The exceptions to confidentially are related to your own and others safety, so in consultation with you other professionals may need to be invited in to support you.
How would I know if therapy is working?
You will start to think, feel, and behave differently. Not straight away, but over time, you will gain new insights and ways of looking at the world in a way that can help you overcome some of the behaviours and beliefs that have stood in your way before.
How long do I have to be in counselling for?
You may feel that after a few sessions you have reached a stage where you no longer need to continue with counselling. This means you have to go with your instinct. At the beginning we will discuss your needs and goals for counselling (what you are wanting to get out of therapy). As we work through your goals we will review to assess how you are feeling with the work you’ve done so far and whether you want more sessions. The choice is always yours.
Do you offer remote or SKYPE sessions
We use a platform called ZOOM for remote sessions. The process is simply that an agreed time is negotiated (considering international time differences etc) and we will email you a Zoom invitation to join a session. The first time you use Zoom you will need to download the Zoom app, after that it happens automatically. It is possible to have up to 8 people "Zooming in" from different locations.